Monday, January 5, 2015

PINAYPITS 2015 Cristine del puerto

Our First post for 2015. The beauty from Ateneo de manila


PLUS + She's got the dimples!

PINAY PITS presents

The beautiful dimples that reminds me
Of my childhood hero

RICO YAN (1975-2002)

Cristine Del Puerto

It's 2015 and i still have all my fingers intact

One of the best reasons for that is i don't usually  use fireworks
I stay inside

Yes, your Good old Yeager's a coward
B...B....But don't be sad

In fact  i'm a very nice  guy (For real?)

I never punched anyone before (Seriously)

Well i once got into a cat fight and i accidentally clawed
One of his eyes out

(Beautiful eyes by the way)
Luckily, the morgue managed to have a spare stock of prosthetic eyes

(Good sound system, even got the subwoofers)

It came from a recently deceased hawaiian organ donor
And they gave it to him for free! Cheers!

Amazingly We're still very good friends

Aaannd...  He Still smiles to me like this whenever i see him around
(Heart warming isn't it)

Thank you Cristine Del Puerto!

Pitter Yeager